Since I started meditation in May 2013, several changes have happened in my life. Meditation makes you see the next challenge you can overcome to open your new possibilities.
What I needed to learn at that time was to stop being dependent on a romantic relationship for my happiness too much.
At that time I was so unstable and worried by what my partner said and did.
Perhaps many people have had this kind of experience, especially women.
At the beginning I complained a lot to him, and we had a lot of arguments but it didn’t work..
And then I realized that I was responsible for my own happiness instead of expecting to get happy feeling from him.
I had an idea: what I could do was to compose music and record…
I did as much as I could…
I composed a lot of tunes and recorded them, it was fun and it made me very happy.
I concentrated on making music and recording to escape from my insecure feeling which came from my need to depend on another person too much.
Now I can record anything myself…
It’s a little miracle for me…
One of my hopes came true.
I believe FF meditation brought this into my life.
When you meditate your drama stops for a while, you can access an infinite world.
This is called 「Ku」in Zen, 「Ku」makes your perception expand to observe your reality.
In brief, I have transformed from being someone who complains a lot to being a person who takes responsibility for her negative emotions.
What a wonderful thing to have happened!
My new possibilities have been opened…
FF meditation makes you live more in your essence, this is called Dharma.
I think to face your worries is very valuable.
Many people feel they don’t have power and so they give up or just keep complaining about their worries.
FF meditation is a very powerful tool to help us open our new possibilities and talents.
That’s why many Buddhist images represent meditation. I think meditation is one of the most powerful ancient magical tools.